Every dental office has a slightly different dental philosophy. In our Elmhurst dental office, we prioritize providing comprehensive dental treatments to our adult and pediatric patients.
Today we are going to be talking more about what it means to offer comprehensive dentistry, and how this can benefit you as a dental patient.
When we say that we offer comprehensive care, what we mean is that we try to provide all of the treatments that patients need right here in our office.
The goal is keep you from having to:
· Run around town to see different specialists
· Coordinate your own dental care
· Wait too long to get the prompt restorative care you need
Here are some of the important treatments that we provide in-office to care for your smile:
· Preventive treatments like semi-annual cleanings and oral health screenings
· Pediatric dental services, including education about proper dental care
· Root canal therapy to treat severely damaged teeth
· Dental fillings and crowns to restore dental enamel
· Dental bonding with dental resin to repair dental damage and improve your smile’s aesthetics
· Customized porcelain veneers
· Treatments for temporomandibular joint damage and dysfunction
· Sedation treatment to keep you comfortable throughout the treatment process
When you work with our dental team, we’ll make sure that the treatments we perform help you achieve both your short and long-term dental goals. We are really your partners in dental care—you let us know about your dental goals, and we create a thorough road-map that will help you realize your dream smile.
As always, our Elmhurst dentists are here to answer questions that you may have. You can call our office to speak to a member of our helpful dental team, and you can also use our website to contact our team with a question and your contact information. We look forward to speaking with you!