You’ve suffered an unexpected dental trauma or injury. Now what?
Our Elmhurst emergency dentists are here to help you answer that question before you’re in a dire situation.
One of the best things that you can do for your smile is to make a plan that details what you will do in case of a dental emergency. First and foremost, this means knowing whom you will call and making this information easily available to friends and family.
There are many different types of trauma Read on to get tips on how to deal with various situations.
1. Knocked out tooth
If your tooth is knocked out, you, ideally, want to reinsert it back into its socket as soon as possible. If the tooth goes easily back into the gum tissue, you can gently put it in place until you make it to the dentist’s office. Do not force the tooth back into place, however, as this can cause further injury. Instead, place the tooth in milk to preserve it. And try to keep as much of the natural root structure intact as possible.
2. Fractured tooth
If your tooth is cracked or fractured, try to get to your dentist as quickly as possible. Do not apply anything topically to the tooth, as this can aggravate the injury. If you are pain, take some over the counter medication until you are able to speak to your dentist.
These are two, very common, examples of dental trauma. And, although it is impossible to totally plan for, and prevent, all dental accidents, you can improve your chances of a positive outcome in case of emergency by having a plan. So, give our Elmhurst dentists a call if you would like more tips and information. We are here for you no matter what the current state of your smile!