If you suffer from TMJ dysfunction, you may find that your symptoms actually interfere with your daily life. TMJ disorders require effective treatment—if left untreated they will continue to intensify and become more cumbersome. Our Elmhurst TMJ dentist office provides treatment options for people suffering from TMJ problems. Whenever we treat a patient with TMJ we try to…
Help the patient lead a more comfortable life
TMJ problems often lead to pain in the jaw, neck, and head. You may experience pain when you open your mouth to chew or talk. Many people wake up with headaches, because their TMJ disorder is aggravated by jaw clenching at night. Any TMJ treatment needs to ameliorate this disruptive pain.
Prevent further jaw damage
If TMJ disorder is left to progress, the temporomandibular joint is likely to become more irritated and inflamed over time. Because TMJ is also associated with jaw clenching and dental grinding, TMJ problems may also lead to premature tooth wear over time. Effective TMJ treatment helps you preserve your jaw health.
The best way to achieve these goals is to seek TMJ treatment that actually addresses the root causes of your TMJ problems. There are many ways to soothe existing TMJ pain—pain killers, heating pads, icing your jaw—but none of these palliative measures will improve your long-term prognosis.
Our Elmhurst TMJ dentist office utilizes oral appliances to bring the jaw into better alignment, and take pressure off of the TMJ joint. These treatments will make you feel better, and they will improve the health of your jaw joint.
If you have ongoing TMJ problems, our dentists are here for you. Please contact our office by submitting an inquiry online or by calling (630) 733-1624. We look forward to speaking with you and helping you improve your health!