In this blog post, our Elmhurst dental team will give you the facts on dental grinding and how to stop it. We hope that that information helps you stay alert for signs of bruxism in your own life, and empowers you to reach out to your dental team for prompt treatment. Let’s get started!
When we use the term “bruxism” we’re really talking about chronic jaw clenching and tooth grinding. Some people experience bruxism related to stress during the day, while others grind their teeth at night. Patients who suffer from bruxism tend to…
- develop tension or discomfort around their back teeth
- deal with neck/jaw/upper back pain
- experience increased rates of enamel erosion
- suffer from headaches, especially upon waking
- experience jaw clicking and popping
Bruxism treatment can look different depending on the patient’s unique needs. The goals of bruxism treatment is to protect your teeth, minimize pain and discomfort, and enable healthy jaw muscle movement
Patients treat bruxism by:
- including jaw stretches into their routine
- wearing protective oral appliance at night
- undergoing orthodontic treatment to bring their bites into better alignment
- improve their bite surfaces with bonding or restorations
If you are noticing symptoms of bruxism in your daily life, we want to encourage you to reach out to your dental team for an assessment. Remember, our Elmhurst bruxism dentists are always here to field your questions, and help you make the best decision for you smile!