Maintaining a healthy smile that will last for years to come is about so much more than caring for your teeth. Your teeth are supported by a complex structure of bones and tissues, and it is crucial that these parts of your maxillofacial system are likewise healthy and functional.
Our Elmhurst TMJ dentists have seen firsthand how damaging chronic TMJ dysfunction can be. A dysfunctional TMJ can lead to an increased risk of oral health issues, as well as making daily life less comfortable and more cumbersome. That is why we strongly encourage patients to contact their dentists as soon as they notice signs of TMJ disorder. With that in mind, here are some common signs and symptoms of TMJ dysfunction:
- Jaw clicking and popping
You may notice that when you chew your open your mouth wide your jaw feels or sounds like it’s popping. For many people this is not a painful sensation, but it may indicate that your temporomandibular joints are momentarily coming out of their sockets.
- Chronic jaw pain & headaches
TMJ pain can manifest as headaches, earaches, neck pain, and even pain that radiates around these areas. Some TMJ sufferers experience TMJ-related pain as a “toothache” sensation.
- Limited jaw mobility
TMJ may actually make it difficult for you to chew comfortably, and to open your mouth all of the way. Patients report that their jaws seemingly “lock” when they open their mouths to bite or yawn.
- Shifting bite
When your temporomandibular joints are damaged, you may find that you have to alter the way that you chew and bite. You may start to favor one side of your mouth, or shift your lower jaw so that your teeth come together differently.
If you notice any of these issues in your daily life, it’s time to speak to your dentist about TMJ treatment. Our Elmhurst TMJ dentists are happy to give you more information—give us a call!