Gum disease can be a particularly sneaky oral health problem; it often initially progresses asymptomatically, all the while weakening the underlying structure and health of your smile. Effectively treating gum disease is about a lot more than simply cleaning your gum tissue. Keep reading to learn more about what our Elmhurst gum disease dentists recommend.
Gum disease occurs when harmful oral bacteria infiltrate oral tissues, further growing and proliferating. Periodontal disease is the term that we use to describe gum disease that has advanced to a severe stage.
In order to treat gum disease, you really need to minimize the number of oral bacteria in your mouth. Our dental team may:
- Clear away accumulated plaque and tartar using scaling and planing treatments. This type of cleaning removed tartar from the tooth from top to bottom—including any accessible roots.
- Recommend alterations or additions to your daily oral hygiene routine; you may benefit from using specially formulated products that are designed to kill bacteria. Additionally, tools like waterpiks can enable you to rid your mouth of hard-to-reach plaque and bacteria.
- Remove diseased and damaged tissues. Oral tissues that are beyond help need to be excised from your smile, so as not to spread the infection. Getting rid of compromised tissues will give your smile a better chance to heal and regenerate.
- Prescribe treatments to help build-up diminished tissue. Gum tissue grafts, for example, can be used to replace gum tissue that has worn away or been removed.
The type of treatment that is right for you will depend on how advanced your case of gum disease is. Our Elmhurst dentists utilize conservative treatment methods, which preserve as much healthy natural dental tissue as possible.
If you think that you’re battling gum disease, please don’t wait to seek treatment. The sooner that you’re able to get the care you need, the better your long-term dental prognosis.