Scharfenberg Dental Blog
Providing our patients and the Elmhurst community with educational information to achieve their best smile.
Elmhurst Family Dentist Helps You Start Your New Year Off Right With Thoughtful Dental Care
As 2017 begins, now is the time to make sure that you are starting your dental routine off right in the new year! Our Elmhurst dentists are here to...
Don’t Forget Your Smile This Holiday Season! Our Elmhurst Dentists Have Tips
Elmhurst Dentist Reviews Situations In Which Sedation Dentistry Is Often Used
Have you been thinking about pursuing sedation dentistry? Our Elmhurst dentists are here to help you determine whether sedation is right for you. K...
This Holiday Season Keep These Tips In Mind From Our Elmhurst Dentists
The holidays, for many people, is a time of indulgence. We’re surrounded by cookies, candies, and other sweet treats—what to do? Our El...
Elmhurst Dentist Gives You More Information About The Causes Of Bad Breath
Elmhurst Dentist Helps You Battle Bad Breath
There are so many gums and mints on the market today to help you cover up bad or stale breath. You can use these things for days, weeks, years, and...
Elmhurst Dentist Emphasizes Proper Gum Health and Oral Hygiene Routines
Elmhurst Dentist Gives Simple Tips For Helping To Protect Your Gum Tissue
Your gum tissue is the foundation of your smile. In order to enjoy a healthy and attractive smile for years to come, you need to care for your oral...
Family Dentistry
Information Packet
How it works, how much it costs, and much more...